Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Tips on how to Fix an Xbox 360 elite CD Drive

Perhaps the xbox 360 accessory has three flashing red lights from overheated capacitors or from problems with the laser lens reading your games, this console is not immune to problems. Don't get worried once the Xbox 360 system is telling you it wouldn't read your disc or freezes in the middle of an activity, as the complaints are, typically, all to easy to fix.

1. Release any static from your body just before touching the console. If you move away from the console between any step, release static again by touching another metal surface. Remove any console screws on our bodies to produce the highest percentage of the Xbox. Disconnect all ribbons and cables on the DVD drive. Only when it's not attached to the console, get the drive.

2. Remove all screws holding the DVD drive shield. You'll find four screws in total. Find two at the back of the drive and two on top. After detaching the screws, pull the lower plate off by grabbing the flip and withdrawal then up. Rotate the drive to ensure the top plate increased and remove it.

3. Grab your can of air and blow the very best and bottom on the drive. Dip your cotton swab in a small amount of rubbing alcohol. Thoroughly moisten the swab on the sides, along with allow it to become dripping wet.

4. Clean the laser lens and mirror in the drive using the swab. The laser lens is with top and middle of the drive. The mirror is on the bottom and core drive. When the swab gets too dirty, obtain a new one and resume cleaning.

5. Reinsert the plates, the screws plus the drive. Reassemble in reverse order starting with the superior plate. Keep in mind any of the four screws that contain the plates constantly in place. Guarantee the cables and ribbons are properly seeded inside drive. Reassemble the Xbox 360 elite and check out an activity.

How you can Connect a radio Guitar to an Xbox 360 system

In Guitar Hero to the Xbox 360, players rock out with popular songs while they press a sequence of fret buttons and whammy bars to secure a high score. To begin with using the wireless guitar, you need to sync it with the Xbox 360 system. Fortunately, both wireless guitar and Xbox system contain a user-friendly setup already built in, that may facilitate connecting the peripherals together.


1. Push the sync button at the base in the guitar. Possible until the guitar's lights be put into circles to point it can be active.

2. Press the sync button at the memory card slot of your respective console before the four lights on both the guitar and console are flashing.

3. Possible until the many lighting is off except for the only flashing one around the guitar. This may indicate that your particular wireless guitar is connected.

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